Kansalaisten Bioturvayhdistys
People's Biosafety Association in Finland
  For many years, Finland was the only European country without any non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the risks of genetic engineering. In May 2000, People's Biosafety Association was founded to address this shortcoming. On the very next day after the founding, a GE rape scandal came public, showing the real need for people's activity.

The purpose of People's Biosafety Association, as stated in its statutes, is to protect the genetic foundation of both cultural and natural ecosystems, and the living systems based on it, and the health and well-being of people and animals, against the risks and dangers posed by scientific, technological and economic development.

People's Biosafety Association is a member of Genet, a European network of nongovernmental nonprofit organisations engaged in the critical debate on genetic engineering.

E-mail to the association: bioturva@bioturva.org.

Chairman: Markku Rämö
    telephone: +358 9 291 6681
    e-mail: markku.ramo <at> bioturva.org

Secretary: Hannes Tuohiniitty
    telephone: +358 50 409 5779
    e-mail: hannes.tuohiniitty <at> bioturva.org

Most of the material in these pages is in Finnish. However, the following articles we have translated for international audience. See also links in English.

07.06.2004 NGOs Call for a Ban on GM Trees
08.08.2002 Field trials of genetically engineered trees exposed in Finland
24.02.2001 Genetically modified cows raise growing debate
27.07.2000 Enquiry into genetic manipulation of garden plants
27.06.2000 Gene technology control almost non-existent in Finland